- Tests performed
- Impulse Response using Maximum-Length Sequences (MLS)
- Full 0 to 24 kHz frequency range
- Selectable number of data sample points (255 to 524287)
- Selectable sequence lengths (5.3125 milliseconds through 10.922 seconds)
- Alternate sequence seeds
- Data cursors
- Selectable scaling parameters as fine as one dB per division, or auto
- Editing capability
- Octave band filtering
- Averaging
- Post processing multiple display options
- Time domain
- Impulse
- Doublet
- Log-Squared Impulse
- RT60
- %ALcons
Frequency Domain
- Magnitude
- Phase
- Group Delay
- Heyser Spiral
- Nyquist
3-D Waterfall
- Select from 2 to 1000 curves
- Examine data from any angle
Speech Intelligibility-RASTI and STI
- Displays data in tabular or graph format
Noise Criteria Curves (NC)
- Uses ANSI* type one filters
- Selectable integration time (1 to 9,999 seconds)
* American National Standards Institute
- Overlays
- Available in select measurements
- Difference mode
- Available for energy time curves, frequency and phase response measurements
- Smoothing of data
- Percentage octave smoothing of frequency data (0 to 1000%)
Data file formats
- Sound Lab ASCII and Binary
- Configuration files
- Storage and recall of global parameter settings
- TEF requirements
- Works with the TEF25. Also with TEF20, TEF20 HI and TEF20 SHIP. Of the TEF20's, TEF20 HI or TEF20 SHIP is recommended. Serial communication limits sequence length to 341 milliseconds.
Computer system requirements
- Microprocessor - Pentium Class
- RAM - 32 megabytes of available memory
- Monitor - VGA (1024x768 recommended minimum)
- Hard disk - 80 megabytes
- Operating system - Windows 9x/ME/2000/NT/XP
- FOR TEF20's -
- Interface, serial - One RS232 serial port capable of operating at
57.6 kilobaud. Must be assigned as COM 1 or COM 2
- Interface, parallel - One bidirectional 8-bit parallel port. Must be
assigned as LPT1 or LPT2
- Interface, HI - One 8-bit ISA expansion slot for TEF 20 HI-PC card
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