Sound Lab Updates and Revisions |
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The Path dialog, which is located at {Files, Path} on the main menu, now contains a path to the Music directory. The Play Media command uses this path location to determine where the user stores his music files. This value is stored in the registry and is updated when a music file is loaded.
A minor bug in Sound Lab has been corrected. This bug occurred when the Pan control button (arrow) on the tool bar was used to change whether the music or test signal would come out of the CH1 output, CH2 output or both outputs. The control would revert to the power-up state when the Input Settings dialog was opened. The correction causes the two controls to stay in sync and supports the Undo key.
A change has been made in the RTA display controls. The Octave button would previously cycle between all of the commonly desired octave fractions. This has been changed to a pull-down menu, which allows the desired octave fraction to be directly selected.
The media player has a new enhancement. The progress indicator, located beneath the media control buttons, would previously only show the current position of the song. A new function has been added that allows the user to jump the music position backwards or forwards by clicking on the appropriate spot on the progress bar.
TEF for INSTALLATION and Remote Control
An installed TEFnet System helps to overcome Time and Distance constraints and allows consultants to operate TEFnet units from remote locations. TEFnet is a complete TEF25 analyzer with 5 MUX inputs plus an additional input for special applications. The system is utilized in conjunction with a dedicated house computer. The consultant installs microphones in selected locations and sets the parameters for Pass/Fail evaluation. The software will prevent any unauthorized change to the consultant's specifications.
The Pass/Fail evaluation is based on a TDS test sweep and automatic sequential activation of MUX microphones. The Pass/Fail evaluation Test utilizes modified Sound Lab speaker test software. The creation of an automated test script permits use by a non-technical user. The user is presented with a simple menu which reports the results as "Test 1 passed" or "Test 1 failed". A user test script generator is included to allow rapid deployment without requiring the installer to learn the scripting language and allows for the generation of six independent and customizable tests.
Keeping up with Hardware changes
We have added support for 64 bit platforms. We are now testing our software on Windows 7. We have recently released a new version of Upgrade 1, which supports 64 bit USB drivers and has a built-in media player that permits you to send a WAV music file (or test signal) to the TEF outputs.
We have also moved our default save location to My Documents instead of Program Files, which allows people working in User mode to operate on Vista and Windows.
We have modified the fonts on the RTA module to make them more readable. We have also resized the screen to maximize the viewing area and eliminate wasted space.
The Fourth module, which is used in Mic Test, Speaker Test and TEFnet, has been greatly expanded in function and allows you to write sophisticated scripts and to automatically create archives, directories and auto save measurements. These functions can be useful when creating production tests or automated tests for untrained users.
We are in the process of re-releasing all of our packages with support for 64 bit and testing the compatibility with Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7.
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